Weekends at the Card House

"Weekends at the Card House" was a way for Vanessa and Ashley to revisit the memories they had of their childhoods. They wanted to recreate their childhoods growing up with their families gathering every week to play Mahjong and Sì Sè Pái (Four Color Cards; equivalent Vietnamese game is tứ sắc). Their goal was to embody the way they watched the adults joke around, gossip, bicker, and laugh over a game or two and some dinner, but at the same time being able to respect the struggles and individual hardships of one another. It portrays a sense of pride and togetherness no matter how many different Asian cultures there are, as immigrants who came to America with almost nothing, trying to better their lives for their kids and family.

Food also plays a huge part in their culture and to Vanessa, it means being able to spend time with her family. Vanessa is Vietnamese American and Ashley is Taiwanese/Chinese American, but both were able to find a connection between the two unique worlds of their cultures to be portrayed in these photos.

Photographers & Creative Directors: Vanessa Le @vnessavle and Ashley Chang @ashleychaang
Talent: Eugene Son (
@eugeeeson), Joseph Tejano (@josephmtejano), Amy Nguyen (@amycdefg_), Chris Moon (@chrisxmoon), Danbi Suh (@d9nbi)
Location: Peking Gourmet in Garden Grove, CA

Front of Zine

Back of Zine


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